Monday, August 15, 2011

Time to Up the Ante

Hello again my lovely writer friends! The last week has been a roller coaster ride of decisions and ideas. An Angell's Life was my first blog and I started learning about blogging after I started this blog. I have learned a lot in the first six months and will continue to learn more. Writing a blog is very different from writing books, but I have learned that there are some similarities. One of the most blatant similarities was really brought home this last week and can best be described in this quote by Brian Tracy:

"Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement."

I found this little gem on twitter and it really spoke to me. It has joined my mantra list! I've spent that last week making a lot of goals for both the blog and for my writing career. The first big goal for the blog is that I will now be posting to you three days a week. (Monday, Wednesday and Friday!) I was very nervous about this goal as it has sometimes been difficult to post even once a week. However, I sat down and started planning ideas for blog topics and found that there are plenty of ideas out there. (This is the second way that blogging is similar to writing a book!) Look forward to some exciting and interesting topics forthcoming!

Now, on to the exciting little e-book I have promised! I have some good news, bad news and... well, just news! Good news is that my e-book is completed and published on Kindle and will be coming shortly on Pub-it. Feel free to pass it on to any of your friends who might be interested!! Bad news is that neither group will allow me to publish it for free. (GRRR!!!!) And now for the news! I have a PDF copy of the book and if you will send me a message at, I will be more than happy to send you a free copy of the book. Be sure to become a follower on the blog before you e-mail and let me know in the e-mail if you would like to receive weekly e-newsletters with links to the articles!

I think that is more than enough excitement for this blog post, look forward to Wednesday's article!!

If you haven't followed yet, be sure to follow. It is free, easy and only requires a Hotmail, Yahoo or G-mail account!

If you have any suggestions for topics you would like me to cover, just let me know in comments and I will be sure to work it in!


  1. Thumbs UP!! They say that the people who try to gouge you the most for your money are Tax Collectors, Agents, and Publishers...

    It will get better!

  2. Thanks for the comments my friend! As they say, necessary Evils!! But after reading some of the self-published stuff out there... they do seem to be necessary. I just wish they weren't all so exclusive!

  3. Looking forward to more! Can't wait for my e-book! Love the quote!

  4. Thanks! Will have it right to you!
