Monday, March 18, 2013

On Staying Human with Author Steven M. Vincent

The writing world has changed so much in the last ten years, that a writer is no longer a writer. We wear many hats, which we have discussed several times on this blog. But one of the hats we forget about is that of being human! I have the privilege to interview Steven Vincent, author of Dawn of the Knight I - Xeltian Invitation on a very important topic: staying human through the publishing/ promotion process.

Heidi: Hello Steven, and thanks for joining us! I know when I am in the throes of a book launch, I become like a woman possessed, forgetting to eat, sleep, and spend time with the family. There is so much for an author to do, and so little time to do it in! What is the one thing that you find takes the most time during book launch?

Steven: Over the last few years, social media has really taken off in directions nobody saw coming. Twitter, Facebook, and all the others are great tools for making sure a book is seen, especially when self-publishing, but at the same time they don't run themselves; they require a lot of your time to use to their fullest.

Heidi: How many hours do you typically work during book launch?

Steven: I try to spend a little time in the morning  to get the word out (about half an hour), and two to three hours in the afternoon. I've only released one book so far, but I've done a number of free events where the same rules apply.

Heidi: What is one tip that you have found helps a book launch go smoother?

Steven: Make a schedule of the websites and social media outlets you will be using, and make a habit out of visiting/updating them in the same order every day. Organization can go a long way, but so can planning; start to build connections before you publish your book."

Heidi: What is one piece of advice you would give to new authors planning a book launch?

Steven: Take your time. No matter how great your book is and may become, it will take time, so you should too. I rushed my first book launch and suffered for it; it took me months to get on the right track. Get to know other readers, writers, and bloggers. Ask for advice on the market, and take everything to heart. DON'T forget the people who helped you, either; they'll most likely be happy to help you again, once your book is released.

Heidi: That is all so true! And one last question: what is one piece of advice in general that you would give to anyone thinking of becoming an author?

Steven: No matter what stage you are on of your writing journey, have fun with it. Before you're an author, don't forget you're a person. If your story is the one you want to tell, your story will touch a lot of people.

Heidi: Thank you so much for your time, and for sharing your experiences with us today! For those who want to learn more about Steven you can check out his blog True Knights.

In the spring of 220 Minores, the world of Xeltia brought its black army to bear down upon the kingdoms of mankind. Led by the Corrupter and her Knight, they sought the Collapse - a fate worse than death, encompassing all and never to be undone.
Yet as the three kings united and the true knights arose, the onslaught was met on the eastern plains of Rolace. Many lives were ended, kingdoms shattered, but in the end the terrible evil was driven away. An era of flourishing peace would follow, which men called the Dawn.
But decades would pass, and this would become legend. True knights would fade, and the Corrupter would return, once again seeking the Collapse. Her Xeltian Knight would pit the hearts of man against his brothers using their anger, greed, and lust. There would be no united resistance this time... Only a boy seeking to fulfill a promise.
Dawn of the Knight I - Xeltian Invitation is a 560 page tale that will have you hooked from the start. Join Egon Skysong as he ventures across the lands of Rolace and Crylite in search of answers to defeat the wicked Xeltian Knight. Along the way he will learn much about himself and others, but if he cannot discover the true meaning of the Invitation, Xeltia, and the Collapse, the world shall know despair forever...

Sound like something you are interested in reading? Buy from the link on the right of my page.
Here are some other places to keep up with Steven and his projects!

Follow Steven Vincent on Twitter: 

Like Steven Vincent's Facebook: 

Fan and Friend Steven Vincent on Goodreads: 

Like Dawn of the Knight on Facebook: 

Well, hope you found something you liked today! Thanks so much for reading! 

Until next time,

Keep Writing!

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