Monday, August 24, 2015

What is this blog about?

Hello Lovelies,

I have been having a crazy summer. (Hence the few posts, so sorry.) As part of trying to get everything back on track, I joined Jeff Goin's Intentional Blog seminar. It is something I often struggle with on this blog. Trying to decide what this blog is all about. I started it to share my writing adventures, my self-publishing adventures, and my work. The problem with that is that it takes a long time to write a book, especially when you are a wife, a mother of two rambunctious boys, working a full time job, and you feel like your being torn a thousand different directions. I don't want to post only every six months, but I also don't want to blog every single bit of  my work in progress....

So, I needed guidance to provide regular posts, without becoming a personal blog, and still leaving me time to write my books.

Those of you who have been with me from the beginning (thanks mom and Meggers) know that I have tried several times to blog more intentionally over the last several years, but I have found that difficult. I often bite off more than I can chew.

Here we go again, with an effort to be more intentional. This blog will continue to be, as it always has been, a place where I will share my work, post book reviews, invite guest authors to post, and focus on the writing world. But I am also going to make it a bit more personal. (As if my poetry wasn't personal enough for you, right?)

I will share more of the entertainment I enjoy, the joys and frustrations of being a working mother, the latest and greatest family hits, and my secret fears and insecurities.

(I know, I have insecurities? No way!)

In a nutshell, this blog is going to be the way I view this wonky world we live in.

Hope you enjoy!!

Oh, and check out my new About Me Page, with a poem I did to find my blogging voice.

Don't forget to subscribe and

Until next time,

Keep reading, writing, and loving life!

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